Fat Cats Live at The Mod Club

Fat Cats recently celebrated 25 years anniversary at The MOD club and also brought a great line-up of bands to the concert venue:
The Soul Motivators, KC Roberts and the Live Revolution, Chameleon Project, Diesel Dog, Zuffalo and Flat 5.
Not to be pigeon-holed by any particular style, The Fat Cats have made significant inroads within the “Jamband” genre, not only for themselves but for a collection of other bands as well by creating an accessibility to the scene that reaches a larger group of music fans. Often being revered as the pioneers of the craft in Canada, the free-flowing and uninhibited style of playing has been a specialty of the band since their inception over 20 years ago. The everlasting chemistry between the players has kept this ideal blooming throughout their history and forges the future of their unmistakable sound and groove.
Always maintaining an organic nature that pays homage to many great singers and songwriters, the sound takes on an electrifying groove that draws on all popular genres in the last 60 years. The songwriting, while timely and lyrically relevant, possesses an ageless quality that speaks to all generations of listeners; basically, if you like music, you will like the Fat Cats. The band has shown their infectious groove makes them a sure bet to both draw a crowd, and entertain.
Fat Cats Line-up
Adam Bernstein – Drums
Chris Gatchene – Guitar and Vocals
Todd Gillies – Guitar and Vocals
Dave Hill – Bass
Josh Williams – Keys and Beard