The R Train Video – “Flip Out Zone”

“Flip Out Zone” can make you feel as though you are back to the roots of screaming rock. The track tears off with a riff-heavy sound, and a driving drumbeat, accompanied by vocal-chant-ready arena rock, but also has the energy and power of a new school sound.

“Flip Out Zone” hits the audience with a full wave of sound, composed of scale-climbing riffs and a screaming electric guitar. An intense beat that is bound to make listeners jump out of their seats!

During the video scenes of frustration, confusion, and disorientation of a Groundhog Day existence.

“’Flip Out Zone’ was written with the pressures of life in mind… sending [Viewers] a message of ‘wake up to reality and be who you really want to be.’”

With its ground-shaking sonic landscape and harsh video reality, the video will disrupt the everyday life of the viewers!

The R Tran Band Members Jeffrey, Mike & Denny

Pop Punk Classic Hard Rock sound with Heavy Metal overtones and Hendrix like guitar riffs was created by Vocalist/Guitarist Jeffrey Black, Drummer/Vocalist Mike Annese, and Bassist/Harmony Denny Lee.

The audio for “Flip Out Zone” is now available on all platforms

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