The R Train Video – “Flip Out Zone”
“Flip Out Zone” can make you feel as though you are back to the roots of screaming rock. The track tears off with a riff-heavy sound, and a driving drumbeat, accompanied by vocal-chant-ready arena rock, but also has the energy and power of a new school sound.
“Flip Out Zone” hits the audience with a full wave of sound, composed of scale-climbing riffs and a screaming electric guitar. An intense beat that is bound to make listeners jump out of their seats!
During the video scenes of frustration, confusion, and disorientation of a Groundhog Day existence.
“’Flip Out Zone’ was written with the pressures of life in mind… sending [Viewers] a message of ‘wake up to reality and be who you really want to be.’”
With its ground-shaking sonic landscape and harsh video reality, the video will disrupt the everyday life of the viewers!
Pop Punk Classic Hard Rock sound with Heavy Metal overtones and Hendrix like guitar riffs was created by Vocalist/Guitarist Jeffrey Black, Drummer/Vocalist Mike Annese, and Bassist/Harmony Denny Lee.
The audio for “Flip Out Zone” is now available on all platforms