Dead Poet Society Interview with Jack Underkofler

I saw this comment on a Youtube and I have to agree The Dead Poet Society is simply making and playing amazing music!
I had read up on the Dead Poet Society before the interview with Jack Underkofler. I already knew he and his bandmates went to very heady universities/colleges in the U.S. So I knew this was not a garage band. The Zoom meeting started and I found an almost 80’s preppy-looking blond guy on my screen! It was a little hard to reconcile that this seemingly young very relaxed guy was the voice and frontman to this very serious band whose music I had just discovered. I listened to one of their new releases loveyoulikethat. This song opens with a nasty, kinda dirty slide guitar riff and sort of bluesy lyrics then explodes into this full and intoxicating modern rock song. Jack’s voice floats seemingly effortlessly all over his vocal range for the rest of the song, then it stops! This made me want more. I proceeded to listen to all I could from this truly amazing band. Dead Poet Society is worth investing your time into. You will discover the videos are as amazing as the song themselves. This has to be a band ready to explode.
